Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My First Soap Experiment

Last year I was pregnant and had so many mood swings.To cope up with that I started my favorite crafty experiments. Accidentally I came to know about making soaps. Found this wonderful tutorial for making soap for beginners. Later I bumped into soapqueen.com and found many recipes.

Unfortunately I didn't have Palm oil at home. I was in no mood to give up or wait till I order some palm oil. So I started searching for soap recipes without palm oil and found wonderful blogger Amanda at LovinSoap.com . She has many soap recipes without palm oil. I became excited at and tried this soap recipe without palm oil. I didn't have any special equipment for this.

I had purchased Avocado oil at Homegoods and Lye from http://www.essentialdepot.com. I hadn't calculated anything just gone with what was written on that blog. Oh boy I made so many soaps. I have used some food coloring to color the soap. I was scared to mix in the colors and to make the soap ,but soap making is fun and exciting. You can't believe how the liquid ingredients turns into soap in front of your eyes like a magic. I haven't used any fragrance so soap was fragrance free.I had used muffin molds and milk carton to fill in the soap.


You can see the soap are not shaped properly as I didn't had any prior experience. But these soaps even after one year still lather so good and they don't dry your skin.

Lessons Learned : Don't go by the quantities mentioned in the recipe unless your family is big, scale down or up accordingly. 

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